About Us
Support Main Street Illinois coalition members are just like you! Owners and operators of Illinois restaurants and bars, Video Gaming equipment manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and terminal operators and anyone else with a vested interest in the future of this dynamic revenue generating industry!
Who We Are
We are committed to protecting the video gaming industry and working tirelessly to ensure success for everyone involved.
Threats and challenges face this industry every day and the coalition was created and continues to exist to push back and stand up for the tens of thousands of men and women whose livelihoods depend on its continued growth and success.
The work of the Support Main Street Coalition generates a PROFIT for YOU. In fact, revenues from video gaming in September 2020 were 22% HIGHER than in September 2019, thanks in large part to our ongoing communication with state leaders to showcase our industry’s commitment to a safe and healthy gaming environment. This is just one testament of our continued efforts and resulting success!
Become a member so that we can keep fighting for you and your business.
What We've Done
Since its inception, the Support Main Street Illinois Coalition has fought to increase your revenues, while simultaneously limiting your financial liability. Some highlights of our work include:
Fought for VG enhancements and modest tax increase (4%, instead of the 20% proposed) in order to deliver sustained, double-digit increases for all parties, including you.
Organized and Implemented a strong local campaign to Push back on the Local Player Tax for impacted communities
Represented our mutual interests and delivered Video Gaming enhancements through SB690, resulting in:
- Increased maximum number of video gaming terminals (“VGTs”) in a licensed establishment to six
- Increased limits on amounts wagered and won on a single play
- Introduction of in-location bonus jackpots up to $10K
- Reduced VGT down-time to maximize revenues
- The ability to install up to 10 VGTs at LARGE Truck stops
What We Will Continue to Do for You
SMSIL promises to advocate for You! Some of our continuing initiatives include:
Fighting for Fair Tax structure for the industry.
Advocating for “HOW THINGS USED TO BE” – permanently re-establish the pre-COVID-19 arrangements for paying local VG fees.
Addressing threats from Local Governments – push back against tax increases like the “Push Tax” which would result in a 35-45% tax increase above current levels.
Why We Need a Coalition
Overall, the coalition is here to:
Legislators listen when they are informed by local business owners
There is power in numbers; more advocates equal more attention paid to our concerns
Address Potential Threats
Without the backing of a coalition, we will not have the resources to address threats from Springfield which could have a significant impact on your business.
How You Can Help
Member involvement is of course encouraged. More participation equals more success!
There is power in numbers. We need to help ensure our success!
Communicating with Legislators and local officials
Signing letters and making phone calls to your legislative leaders and local officials to help express our industry’s positions.
Watching local public agendas for state and local action regarding video gaming and working with the Coalition to effectively respond.
Mobilizing for success – help us advocate for the industry through a variety of face-to-face initiatives!