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WHEREAS, since early March 2020, Illinois has faced a pandemic that has caused extraordinary sickness and loss of life, infecting over 1.35 million residents, and taking the lives of more than 22,000 residents; and,

WHEREAS, at all times but especially during a public health crisis, protecting the health and safety of Illinoisans is among the most important functions of State government; and,

WHEREAS, social distancing, face coverings, and other public health precautions have proven to be critical in slowing and stopping the spread of COVID-19; and,

WHEREAS, COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing COVID-19 disease, especially severe illness and death; and,
WHEREAS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) recently updated its guidance for fully vaccinated people,1 indicating that they can resume numerous activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance; and,

WHEREAS, the CDC continues to advise that cloth face coverings or masks protect persons who are not fully vaccinated from COVID-19; and,

WHEREAS, the CDC advises that schools continue to use the COVID-19 prevention strategies outlined in the CDC’s Operational Strategy for K-12 Schools for at least the remainder of the 2020-2021 academic school year; and,

WHEREAS, the CDC continues to advise that day care providers continue to use COVID-19 prevention strategies, including masking and physical distancing, even after day care providers and their staff are vaccinated; and

WHEREAS, in light of the continued spread of COVID-19 and the significant percentage of the population that remains unvaccinated, I declared on April 30, 2021 that the current circumstances in Illinois surrounding the spread of COVID-19 constitute an epidemic emergency
and a public health emergency under Section 4 of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act; and,

WHEREAS, the number of new COVID-19 cases has decreased in recent weeks, and the public health metrics now allow for the State to relax some mitigation measures as more residents have been vaccinated;

THEREFORE, by the powers vested in me as the Governor of the State of Illinois, pursuant to the Illinois Constitution and Sections 7(1), 7(2), 7(3), 7(8), 7(9), and 7(12) of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, 20 ILCS 3305, and consistent with the powers in public health laws, I hereby order the following, effective immediately:

HB 3169 & SB 494

The Video Gaming Act created a unique “public-private partnership” structure – a proven business model that provides critical revenues for over 7400 small local businesses statewide and has already generated over $2.6 Billion in tax revenue for the state and for “opted-in” local governments.

HB 3169 & SB 494 are designed to fortify the original fair and balanced structure that has, year-over-year, generated increasing revenues for every partner, including Home Rule and non-Home Rule local governments. This important legislation is necessary to provide much-needed support to thousands of small local businesses and the tens of thousands of Illinois families, many who are minority, struggling to recover after a year filled with pandemic-related shutdowns. Please support small businesses.


Internet Gambling will stop it in its tracks!

Pandemic-related shutdowns have caused 5000 Illinois hospitality businesses to close. Without question, Video Gaming has prevented countless others from suffering the same fate and is fueling an economic recovery. Internet Gambling (HB 3142 & SB 2064) would threaten Illinois’ comeback. Your District’s local economy will recover as more people patronize local businesses. Internet gambling will keep them inside their homes. As the pandemic subsides, the last thing the economy needs is people choosing to remain at home. Protect local businesses in your District.


SMSIL has received several reports of local authority resistance to the addition of the sixth Video Gaming terminals. We need the support of every Terminal Operator and Licensed Establishment owner to contact their local officials to educate them about the new law and to “sound the alarm” regarding the potential loss of new revenues at risk if the evolutionary changes in the law are impeded or obstructed through their authority.


Unregulated gaming devices that look and work almost exactly like video gaming terminals are popping up in places across the state. Unlike the video gaming terminals (“VGTs”) the state has regulated and taxed since 2012, so-called “sweepstakes machines” don’t pay similar taxes or fees to state or local government. 

Archived Industry News


The Illinois legislature passed this   gaming expansion bill last spring and included several important amendments to the Video Gaming Act.  Key outcomes of this Legislation include:

  • The ability to install up to 6 video gaming terminals (“VGTs”) in a licensed establishment
  • Increased limits on amounts wagered and won on a single play
  • Introduction of in-location bonus jackpots up to $10K
  • The ability to perform remote supervision of RAM clear, installs, swaps, etc.
  • The ability to install up to 10 VGTs at LARGE Truck stops
  • Inclusion of $1 credit denomination
  • A significant yet manageable tax increase phased in over 2 years.